It seems the brain is nothing more than a processor of information coming from the etheric field.

Thoughts DON’T come from it- any more than “thoughts” come from a radio.

So here we are, relying on BRAINPOWER to create our reality, but, just one example- what we see and hear via the media/entertainment industry is imprinted in our etheric field.

This impacts our resonance/reality creation, and not always in a good way.

Those who are aware of how this all works do their own thinking instead of automatically believing what they’re told. They look at both sides of issues, remaining objective while doing so. Because of this, they aren’t often in line with popular thinking.

Quick thought on this- about six months ago it was reported on main stream news that American diplomats in Cuba had been injured by a sonic attack. Apparently brain damage resulted

It was blamed on the Cubans. And yes, there is sound technology capable of causing brain damage.

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About Cathy D. Slaght

SRC4U Software Consultant, Energy Coach, Energy Teacher, Entrepreneur, Published Author, Public Speaker, Quantum Explorer​
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