It was once true that the vast majority of people on the planet lived and died without realizing they came in equipped to create the life they desire.

Those days may be coming to an end, though. Growing numbers are now aware of how our systems truly operate, namely:

  1. We are not matter, but frequency systems, interfaced with multiple energy fields which are, quite literally, sets of informational codes/mathematical formulas.
  2. We are designed to access this information so we can thrive.
  3. But, various forms of static- referred to as stress – can block the information.

“Growing numbers believe this?”you may be thinking.

Well, there are a quite a few of us, but belief is not the correct term. Belief is often a sign of being programmed. We are AWARE. We continue to learn, but no longer automatically accept what others have told us to believe.

Along with understanding how the human energy system operates, we also are coming to realize Natural Law must be followed if we wish to create the life- and world- we desire.

BUT WAIT- murder, theft, lying, coercion, trespassing, rape, and assault- all violate Natural Law. And yet some of the most powerful people on the planet seem to profit from these very things!

Well, those who want to rule the world understand energy and Natural Law. Because of that, they often think they know how to manipulate it.

Take WAR, for example. THEY aren’t murdering, raping, trespassing, and so on. The enlisted soldiers are.

AND- ANOTHER EXAMPLE- the ones who are at the top of the sex-trafficking industry may also be great PHILANTHROPISTS.

Okay, fine. But ultimately, there are no loopholes. There is always a penalty for breaking Natural Law.

And here’s a way we may have been “coerced”, which also is a violation of Natural Law. It seems much of the knowledge concerning our true power has been destroyed, piece by piece, over a period of time, by those who wish to control the resources of the planet.

Libraries were burned, scholars were tortured and killed, even entire groups of people who searched for true knowledge were wiped out.

Case in point- the Cathars.

The Cathars had some interesting information about energy. They were WAY ahead of the consciousness of the time.

Somehow they suspected their knowledge- along with THEM- would be destroyed.

That’s probably why they buried a bunch of scrolls that contained the information.

In 1945 these scrolls were discovered.

Among other things, these writings said humans and the physical world were constantly being manipulated by unseen forces. Only with awareness could humans regain control.

(no wonder the rulers of the time wanted Cathars eliminated.)

So, a question- could these “forces” have implemented core programming that diminished the power of the human race?

Here are 8 examples of what is known as SEED PROGRAMMING

You are defective and therefore not whole.
You are lacking in the essentials of what you need to get along in life.
You are dependent upon the people and institutions around you for all your needs.
What you see is all there is. What you have been told is all there is to know.
You are born into a hostile Universe.
Nothing lasts.
You can never know.
Everything that can be known is already known.

In the group, we’re still working, energetically, on clearing stress related to the first, “You are defective and therefore not whole”.*

Details- etheric, not physical

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About Cathy D. Slaght

SRC4U Software Consultant, Energy Coach, Energy Teacher, Entrepreneur, Published Author, Public Speaker, Quantum Explorer​
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