Read a thought-provoking article  yesterday- the link is at the bottom of this post- about a recent study on how to chemically mind control the public.

The study demonstrated that it could be done. The focus was on xenophobia- fear of immigrants or those from other cultures. Apparently giving people oxycotin, the “love hormone” cleared that right up. (And, interestingly enough, some people ARE low in oxycotin.)

This brings up all kinds of considerations. For example, why DO so many fear immigration? Is it because they’ve been imprinted with misinformation? Are they low on the LOVE hormone? Could there be justification for concerns, even fear?

And regardless, is it ethical to use any form of mind-control to correct this?

But, as far as mind control- NOT intentional, but ongoing-

The average American eats fast food 3x a week. For many, it’s the only way they can afford to keep their children’s bellies full- because it IS cheaper. (this is because of government subsidies, more on this another time.)

But many are also ADDICTED. I was, for years. Most days, while driving around previewing houses for the real estate business, I had a McDonald’s Quarter Pounder with Cheese. Only years later was I able to totally give them up.

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About Cathy D. Slaght

SRC4U Software Consultant, Energy Coach, Energy Teacher, Entrepreneur, Published Author, Public Speaker, Quantum Explorer​
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